The Advantages of Open MRI Scanners in the UK: A Comprehensive Guide

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Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the advantages of open MRI scanners in the UK. If you're in need of an MRI scan, you may already know that the traditional closed MRI scanners can be uncomfortable and claustrophobic. But fear not, open MRI scanners offer a more patient-friendly alternative.

With open MRI scanners, there's no need to enter a narrow tunnel. Instead, you'll be comfortably positioned on a spacious table that moves slowly through the scanner. This means less anxiety and a more pleasant experience, particularly for patients suffering from claustrophobia or anxiety disorders.

But it's not just the enhanced patient comfort that makes open MRI scanners beneficial. These scanners also allow for greater versatility, as they can accommodate patients of various body types and sizes. Plus, open MRI machines are equipped with advanced technology that delivers high-quality images, ensuring accurate diagnoses.

At UME Health Harley Street, we understand the importance of providing a patient-centric approach to medical imaging. That's why we offer open MRI scans in London, delivering superior comfort and accuracy to our valued patients. Join us as we delve into the numerous advantages of open MRI scanners in the UK.


What is an open MRI scanner?

An open MRI scanner is a medical imaging device that allows for a more comfortable and less restrictive experience compared to traditional closed MRI scanners. Unlike closed scanners, which require patients to enter a narrow tunnel, open MRI scanners feature a more spacious design. Patients lie on a table that moves slowly through the scanner, eliminating the feeling of confinement. This open configuration offers a range of benefits for patients of all body types and sizes.

Open MRI scanners are particularly beneficial for individuals with claustrophobia or anxiety disorders. The open design helps alleviate anxiety and creates a more relaxed environment during the scanning process. Patients can now undergo MRI scans without the fear and discomfort associated with traditional closed scanners. This patient-centric approach is revolutionising medical imaging and is quickly gaining popularity in the UK.


How does an open MRI scanner differ from a traditional MRI scanner?

Open MRI scanners differ from traditional MRI scanners primarily in their design and patient experience. While traditional MRI scanners consist of a cylindrical tube, open MRI scanners have a more open structure. This design eliminates the feeling of being enclosed and allows for a more spacious and comfortable imaging experience. Patients can now be positioned on a table that moves smoothly through the scanner, providing a more patient-friendly environment.

In addition to the physical differences, open MRI scanners also offer advanced imaging technology that delivers high-quality images. These scanners utilise strong magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed images of the body's internal structures. The advanced technology ensures accurate diagnoses while maintaining patient comfort.


Advantages of open MRI scanners for patients

The advantages of open MRI scanners for patients are numerous. Firstly, the open design of these scanners offers a more comfortable and less claustrophobic experience. Patients no longer have to endure the confined space of traditional MRI scanners, which can be especially challenging for those with anxiety disorders. The open configuration helps alleviate anxiety, making the scanning process more pleasant and accessible for a wider range of patients.

Furthermore, open MRI scanners are highly versatile and can accommodate patients of various body types and sizes. The spacious design allows for easier positioning and reduces the need for repositioning during the scan. This versatility is particularly beneficial for patients who may have difficulty fitting into traditional closed scanners due to their body shape or size.

Additionally, open MRI scanners deliver high-quality images, ensuring accurate diagnoses. The advanced imaging technology captures detailed images of the body, enabling healthcare professionals to make precise assessments. This accuracy is crucial in detecting and monitoring various medical conditions, leading to better treatment outcomes for patients.


Advantages of open MRI scanners for medical professionals

Open MRI scanners not only benefit patients but also offer advantages for medical professionals. The open design allows healthcare providers to easily access and interact with patients during the scanning process. This accessibility is particularly useful when performing procedures that require real-time monitoring or adjustments.

Moreover, the versatility of open MRI scanners enables medical professionals to accommodate a wider range of patients. These scanners can comfortably scan individuals who may not fit into traditional closed scanners due to their body shape or size. This versatility expands the accessibility of MRI scans, allowing healthcare providers to provide comprehensive imaging services to a broader patient population.

Additionally, the high-quality images produced by open MRI scanners facilitate accurate diagnoses and enhance treatment planning. The detailed images provide healthcare professionals with valuable information about a patient's condition, enabling them to make informed decisions about the most appropriate course of action.


Open MRI scanner availability in the UK

Open MRI scanners are becoming increasingly available in the UK, offering patients a more patient-friendly alternative to traditional closed scanners. Many healthcare facilities now offer open MRI scans as part of their imaging services, recognising the benefits they provide to patients. The growing availability of open MRI scanners ensures that patients have access to a comfortable and accurate imaging option.

When considering an open MRI scan, it is advisable to research healthcare providers in your area to find those equipped with open MRI scanners. Additionally, speaking with your healthcare provider or specialist can help you determine if an open MRI scan is the most suitable option for your specific needs.


Cost considerations for open MRI scans in the UK

The cost of an open MRI scan in the UK can vary depending on several factors, including the location and healthcare provider. It is important to contact different facilities to inquire about pricing and any additional charges that may apply. Some healthcare providers may offer competitive pricing or payment plans to make open MRI scans more affordable for patients.

It is worth noting that while open MRI scans may have a higher upfront cost compared to traditional closed scans, the benefits they offer in terms of patient comfort and accuracy can outweigh the cost difference. Prioritising your comfort and well-being during the scanning process is essential for a positive experience and accurate diagnosis.


How to prepare for an open MRI scan

Preparing for an open MRI scan is similar to preparing for a traditional MRI scan. It is important to follow any specific instructions provided by your healthcare provider or imaging facility. These instructions may include avoiding certain foods, medications, or wearing certain clothing that can interfere with the MRI scan.

Additionally, it is crucial to inform your healthcare provider about any metal implants, pacemakers, or other devices that may be affected by the strong magnetic fields used in MRI scans. Your healthcare provider will provide guidance on whether an open MRI scan is suitable for your situation.


Common misconceptions about open MRI scanners

There are a few common misconceptions about open MRI scanners that are important to address. One misconception is that open MRI scans produce lower-quality images compared to traditional closed scanners. However, open MRI scanners utilise advanced technology that can yield images of comparable quality. The high-quality images produced by open MRI scanners enable accurate diagnoses and treatment planning.

Another misconception is that open MRI scans take longer than traditional closed scans. While the scanning process may vary depending on the specific procedure, open MRI scanners can provide efficient and timely imaging services. The technological advancements in open MRI scanners allow for faster scans without compromising image quality.


Open MRI scanner safety and comfort

Open MRI scanners prioritise patient safety and comfort. The open design of these scanners reduces the feeling of confinement and claustrophobia experienced by some patients. The spacious environment and slow movement through the scanner help create a more relaxed atmosphere during the scanning process.

In terms of safety, open MRI scanners are designed to minimise the risks associated with strong magnetic fields and radio waves. Healthcare providers and technicians are trained to ensure the proper use and functioning of the scanner, prioritising patient safety at all times. It is important to communicate any concerns or questions you may have with your healthcare provider or imaging technician before the scan.



Open MRI scanners offer significant advantages in terms of patient comfort, versatility, and accuracy. The patient-friendly design of open MRI scanners eliminates the feeling of confinement and claustrophobia often associated with traditional closed scanners. These scanners also provide high-quality images, enabling accurate diagnoses and treatment planning.

In the UK, open MRI scanners are increasingly available, providing patients with a more comfortable and accessible imaging option. It is important to research healthcare providers in your area to find those equipped with open MRI scanners and inquire about pricing and any additional charges.

Prioritising your comfort and well-being during the scanning process is crucial for a positive experience and accurate diagnosis. Open MRI scanners offer a patient-centric approach to medical imaging, revolutionising the field and ensuring that patients receive the best possible care.

UME Health is a leading outpatient and diagnostics centre located on Harley Street, offering high-quality imaging services and compassionate patient care.